Singing Guide: Will Reagan & United Pursuit

Singing Guide: Will Reagan & United Pursuit

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Have you heard of Will Reagan & United Pursuit? If you've stumbled upon their music, you might have fallen in love with their intimate and atmospheric style. Now, you may wonder how to learn to sing like Will Reagan. In this article, we will break down the key features of Will Reagan's music and how to incorporate them into your singing style.

  • Vocal Technique: Will Reagan's singing style can be described as breathy, intimate, and conversational. His stripped-down style requires excellent breath control and an ability to convey emotion through subtle changes to his voice. To replicate his style, you should focus on developing your breath support, chest voice, and diaphragmatic breathing techniques. You can find helpful articles on these topics at Singing Carrots, such as "Breath Support" and "Chest Voice Explained."
  • Range: Will Reagan's music requires a good vocal range, but you don't need an extensive vocal range to sing like him. Instead, focus on developing your middle register and head voice to create that intimate and soft sound. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test to help determine your vocal range and The Pitch Accuracy test to control your pitch while singing.
  • Technique: Will Reagan's songs typically use simple melodies and chord progressions, but his unique technique comes from his ability to convey emotions through phrasing, dynamics, and syllable stress. To learn Will Reagan's technique, try reading lyrics out loud and experiment with phrasing and syllable stress.
  • Songs To Study: "Set A Fire," "Nothing I Hold Onto," and "Head To The Heart" are great songs to study. These songs showcase Will Reagan's signature style and give you an idea of how he uses breath control, dynamics, and syllable stress. Once you have mastered singing these songs, try singing them a cappella to focus on perfecting your technique and phrasing.
  • Conclusion: Learning to sing like Will Reagan takes time and patience. Singing Carrots offers many free resources to help you develop the skills required to sing like Will Reagan. Focus on developing your breath support, chest voice, middle register, and head voice, then incorporate phrasing, syllable stress, and dynamics into your singing style. You can also use the highlighted songs to study and practice. With time and practice, you'll be singing like Will Reagan in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.